About Me

I'm a ranch dressing aficionado. I started Ranch Out for the good for others: seeking the restaurants serving the finest homemade ranch, as well as the establishments which choose to insult their customers by providing ranch bottled by a manufacturer.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Buckhead Pizza

I wouldn't give the ranch that they serve here to my worst enemy. It was super bitter and had thick, jell-o like consistency. .2 out of 5 stars.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Big Ketch

One of my best friends from home came to visit me in Atlanta for the first time, an although I wanted to take her to Tin Lizzy's, my best friend's boyfriend insisted it would be too busy. Sooo we ended up going to The Big Ketch against my wishes. Surprisingly, the ranch was alright. It was a little buttermilk-y, but I still ate two containers worth accompanied with jalapeƱo chips. Maybe it was the heat from the chips which cancelled out a bad ranch flavor. 2.7 out of 5 stars!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Einsteins's is a great restaurant in midtown that serves an excellent Sunday brunch. My best friend Drew and I were feeling pretty rough after long night out and knew a little Einstein's would provide the remedy. For a ranch lover like myself, nothing makes me feel better after a night of shenanigans like French fries and ranch dressing. Lucky for me, the ranch at Einstein's was fantastic, and most certainly homemade. They even served it in a silver saucer! Fancy smancy! 5 out of 5 stars.